Wednesday 18 November 2015

Personal Passion Projects - Part One

This week we have started Personal Passion Projects. The idea is that the kids choose something that they have wondered about, are passionate about or are fascinated by. They start with a 'fat' question - a question that is wide - eg 'what can I find out about planets in the solar system?' or "what's the story behind the Great Wall of China?"
Once everyone had their 'fat' question they wrote down what they already knew about the topic. After that the next step was to write some 'skinny' questions about what they wanted to find out. We talked about where they could find the information they needed and then it was research time.......

When all the research has been done and the questions all answered it will be time to think of an interesting way of presenting their work. This could be in any form that suits the topic and the child from models to speeches to online presentations like a slide show or an imovie to posters - the list is endless.  Each child will present their findings to the rest of the class and hopefully we'll      all be inspired by each other's passions and learn some new things along the way.

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