Tuesday 3 December 2013

Xanthe and Alwyn


We get the chicks out every morning and now we take them outside.I was playing with Alwyn. First he was on my hand then he ran up my arm and onto my shoulder and then before I knew it Alwyn was on my head every one thought it was funny. THEN I  felt something else on my head and it was a POOH! Then I decided not to let any more chicks on my head.
by Xanthe.

Monday 2 December 2013

Weight Update

Hello everybody we are back with more chick stuff. This time we are telling you about chickens weight. We have been weighing the chicks every few days and watching their growth.  We have taken pictures of the chicks and we write their weight underneath their picture.
 The lightest chick is Stubby, he  weighed 45 gm after week 1,  50 gm after week 2, now he weighs 55 gm. We are a bit worried that Stubby will get picked on because he is so little. The heaviest chick is Toko, he started at 60 gm after one week,  he weighed 100gm on week 2, on week 3 he weighed 100 gm again and on week 4 Toko weighed 225 gm. All Black weighed 45 gm after week 1, he weighed 80 gm after week 2,then on week 3 he weighed  125,on week 4 he weighed 180 gm.The last chick we are telling you about is Fire, he weighed 50 gm on week 1, on week 2 he weighed 75 gm,on week 3 he weighed 100gm on week 4 he weighed 125.
This is the end of  the weight  update. Next week we are going to make graphs to show each chicks weight gain.
By Troy and Heidi.

New Brooder Box

On Wednesday the 26 of November Room 4 got a new brooder box. It has a wire lid so the chicks can't fly out which means we don't have to stay in at lunch. It also has a door that you can open but we don't open it because all of the shaving will come out.We have a lid because the chicks are learning to fly. Sometimes we have to clean out their home because they spill all their food and water. To clean the brooder box you have to take the chicks out of the box. Next you take the food and water bowls out. After that you have to put the shavings in the rubbish and put some new ones in. Now you can put some fresh water and food in for your chicks. Room4 makes sure that we don't put shavings by the food this stops shavings from going in the water but one or two get in once in a while.  By Abbey and Hollie

By Abbey and Hollie.

Chicken Playground

Every morning when we get to school there's always a chicken playground there. Kiwi and Toko try to fly out of the playground. Pearly and Alwyn like to perch on your shoulder and on the blocks. Stubby has a sore leg so we can't put him on the blocks. We don't know what is wrong with him.
Lots of people come in our room to play with the chicks, but we always have to pack up the blocks 10 minutes before the bell rings. There's always  poo on the newspaper when we pack up. There's always towers for them to perch on. Sometimes they get out and run out the door. Max is the first one get here so he can chose what chicken he wants. Sometimes some people put Alwyn, Kiwi, Toko, All Black and Creamy on their shoulders and they poo all down your back. Lots of people have started bringing a change of clothes to school in case they poop on you.    By Libby and Koen