Wednesday 29 July 2015

Mindsets - Fixed or Growth??

Over the past few days we have begun talking about mindsets. According to a very knowledge and well known lady called Carol Dweck we all either have a fixed or growth mindset. The differences between the to are shown in the poster below.

Clearly we'd all like our children to have a growth mindset - to believe that even though they don't know how to do something 'yet', they can learn it.

We watched the video below and discussed the meaning and how it relates to us and our learning.

Somehow during the discussion, we got on to what the children would like to be when they grow up. This ended up being our writing task for the day! Check out your child's blog to see what they'd like to do when they leave school and to find out their ideas of growth and fixed mindsets. 

Below are also a couple of images that are now hanging in our room. 

Monday 27 July 2015

Maths - Patterns and Consecutive Number Fun

This term we have been spending time solving problems in maths. We work on our own first and then we share our ideas and thinking with others.
Today we looked at consecutive numbers and the patterns hidden in numbers.

 Consecutive numbers are numbers that are one after the other - eg 8,9,10 or 34,35,36

Try these tasks and see what happens. You could discuss with your child and see what they can tell you.
1. Circle 3 numbers in a row (horizontally) and add them. Try this with several sets of numbers. Do you see a pattern? We found several different patterns, can you?

2. Circle 4 adjacent numbers to form a square. If you add the diagonals what do you think will happen? Does this work every time and for every group of numbers in this pattern?

3. Circle 4 adjacent numbers to form a square. If you multiply the diagonals what do you think will happen? Is this always the case?

Feel free to write some of your findings in the comment box and we can see if they match what we found out today.....

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Art in the Environment - Tyre Art

This year each class is completing a unit of work around art in the environment.  So to get started Room 4 looked at some images on pintrist and google. We searched up outside art, environment art, kids outside art ideas, etc.  (Thomas)

When we found things we liked we saved it to a board called Art in the Environment. Then we had to look at everyone's ideas and everyone agreed that using tyres to make art would be fun. (Jordan, Charlie)

We picked our seven favourite types of art and got into small groups. We used a shared a doc and an image of our art idea and wrote all the things we'd need onto the doc. (Isabel)

Shared Google Doc

We spent the weekend gathering the things we needed from our mums, dads, shops and other places. On Monday we went and checked that we had everything we needed so we could start on Tuesday. (Ephraim)

On Tuesday Aylah's parents and Arnika's dad came to help us with cutting and screwing our tyres. We had to choose our tyres and get everything we needed. The garden group had to wait until the end because they could have as many as was left for their garden. (Mackenzie C and Isabel)

We had already bought all the paint we needed so on Tuesday we put down a tarpaulin so the paint wouldn't get all over the grass. Next we started to paint carefully. It was quite hard and people had to wait to get the colours that they needed because other people were already using them. (Liam)

We are nearly finished and they are looking great. We just need to finish painting and screwing some last bits together. Then we will plant and position them around the school. (Aylah)

Here's how they are looking so far......

Keep watching to see how they end up looking.