Friday 4 September 2015

Wild Self Challenge

One of our recent Friday Challenges involved using the website  to create a creature with special features. Children had to design their creature and explain why they picked the body parts they did. They then got into pairs and wrote a story together. The story had to include their 'wildself' and a problem that their creature could solve thanks to its special features.

Visit the individual blogs to see the wild creatures and the great story writing.  Here's the beginning of a couple of stories to whet your appetite......

Down in the forest where the flowers all bloomed, the trees all stood still as the animals watched the Fru Fru Olympics in the village of Fru Fru Trees . The wind whistled past as the sun beamed brightly on the athletes as they got ready to compete.....

This is the beginning of Isabel and Arnika's story.

Jordan and Liam's story starts like this....
Crawler and Jobro were strolling along a rocky mountain track where you could see the blue sky and the cityscape and it was beautiful until zap pow bang. They ended up running for their lives from a gigantic boulder that was pushed down by an evil goblin.

Room 4 Learning Stars - Our Treaty

Over the last term our class has changed quite a bit -  three children have left and four children have started! We decided it was time to review the Toko Learning Stars and what they mean in Room Four.
Toko School Learning Stars

Brainstorm of our Ideas

As a group we brainstormed all our ideas and decided we'd turn these ideas into a class treaty.

Everyone had different ideas around how we could display our treaty so the children  put themselves into groups and choose what programme or format they would like to use to create our class treaty.

Charlie and Oli decided to design a poster that included
a chicken since Rm 4 is the chicken class.
Courtney and Taitania made a book-creator on the Ipad, Jordan
and Mason made a puppet pals movie, while Brock and
Liam used Google Docs to create their treaty.
Judah and Thomas used the drawing programme
in Google Drive to create their treaty.

Mackenzie C and Isabel decided to create a poster. They drafted their ideas on paper and then used the computer to type them up and display them with color.

We decided that we would vote on the best one and use that as our class treaty. To be successful children needed to include: the words we'd brainstormed, bright colours, clear font or writing, be creative and make sure their product represented Room 4.

Here are the finished products

Pippa, Mackenzie W and Sophie's poster

Pascoe, Arnika and Renee's poster

Ephraim's Wordle 

Judah and Thomas' poster from Google Draw

Oli and Charlie's poster

Liam and Brock's Google Doc Poster

Emma and Aylah's Word Doc Poster

Isabel and Mackenzie C's Word Poster

Taitania and Courtney put their treaty together in book-creator

Jordan and Mason produced these two puppet pal videos that show being kind and not being kind.

Oli and Charlie's poster and Isabel and Mackenzie C's poster were voted the two finalists but in the end we decided to display all ten treaties and we signed all ten treaties. That means we now have ten different ways to remind ourselves what it looks like to be a Learning Star in Room 4! We have agreed to remind each other in a nice way if someone forgets our treaty agreement.