Tuesday 16 June 2015

Dino Danger

This morning in reading we read about dinosaurs eating leaves and eating each other. That made Mrs Hancock remember the app called AR Dinopark.  (Charlie)

Then we took photos and the dinosaur was in the photo with us. It looked real. We had to do a scarey face while our photo was taken. (Porsche)

After that we made up our story about a Triceratops based on the photo.  The goal for our story was to use descriptive words and hook the reader into our writing. (Pascoe)

We brainstormed a big list of words on the interactive board that we might use to describe what was happening in our story. These words were more describing than usual words. We used them to paint a picture in the readers head. (Pippa)

After we'd written our story, Mrs Hancock shared our photos to us and we uploaded them to our blogs and published them. (Jordan)

Finally we had to comment on someone else's story using effective commenting about their goal.  (Heidi)

Our next step is to look at the comments we received and make some changes. We will do this by copying and pasting the original post and then making the changes in the new post.  (Mrs Hancock)

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