Tuesday 4 August 2015

High Diving Giraffes

Today we viewed the beginning of a video clip that showed some very life-like giraffes making their way up a spiraling ramp inside a large tiled complex. As a group we collaborated and wrote the beginning of the story, written from the point of view of an imaginary security guard.  This is what we came up with.....

I was quietly going about my daily job as a security guard at the Palace of Pools swimming complex, when I heard an unusual clip-clopping sound. The sound become louder and louder and got closer and closer. The strange noise sounded like animal hooves, but I felt confused because animals clearly don’t go swimming! What on earth could it be?  
I turned towards the huge row of camera screens on the wall behind me. My eyes nearly popped out of my head like popcorn bursting out of the pot!  On the screen that showed the lower hallway, I saw not one, but several gigantic giraffes casually strolling along the corridor!!

I watched with amazement as these gentle giants made their way up the spiraling ramp. They paused for a moment at the top. I wondered what they were going to do next…..

After writing the beginning together, we went away and wrote our own endings. Some of us worked in pairs and some of us on our own. We had to predict what we thought might happen in the video and turn it into a story. If you keep an out on our individual blogs over the next few days you'll see what we wrote. At this stage we're editing, proof reading and giving each other feedback.
We watched the whole video when we'd finished our drafts. Here's the video for those of you that would like to see it......

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 4. I really like the way you have added descriptive detail in your story starter. My favourite bit is 'like popcorn bursting out of a pot'. It gives me a really good picture in my head! I also like the phrase, 'casually strolling along'. I can just imagine giraffes doing that! I am looking forward to seeing some of your stories when they are finished.
    Principal, Ngaere School
