Thursday 31 October 2013

Day Nine to Fourteen!

Well it's been a whole week since we were last able to write. So I thought I'd do the update today and then the kids can get back into it again tomorrow. We last wrote on a Friday, then we had a long weekend. So Tuesday was the first day back in the classroom but I was on release and then yesterday we had a trip to Lake Rotokare. While all that was going on I've had a few problems with the actual blog. I won't bore you with the details but hopefully now you'll all be able to view and make comments!  Fingers and toes crossed.
So, as for the chickens, they only have a week left until hatch day. The kids are making a proposal in the form of an i-movie for Mrs Waite and Mrs Stark, with the desired outcome that we are allowed to keep the chickens at school long term. We have had a big brainstorm session today and the kids have decided the best option would be to get their dads to help us build a coop from scratch - assuming our proposal is accepted - so watch out dads (and mums of course).  I'll let whomever writes tomorrow fill in the details but I'm very impressed with the kids overall thought process.
The embryos themselves are really starting to look like real chickens now - our development chart states that the chick is turning itself so that its head is facing the large end of the egg.


  1. Wow how cool!!! looking forward to the 7 November :-)

  2. Oh my goodness. Soon there will be chickens, chickens and more chickens!!!! So exciting, Room 4.

  3. Not looking cute and fluffy yet!
