Monday 21 October 2013

Day Six of Blog and Day Four for Eggs

On Saturday when it was calf and lamb day Mrs Hancock turned the eggs in one of the incubators and checked the other one if the automatic turner was working. Our research has been going quite well and we are learning a lot. This morning we filled both incubators with water so the eggs won't die and don't get too hot. Now the eggs are starting to form into chicks. Today if we cracked the eggs we would be able to see the blood vessels and the beginning of an eye. The chicks take 21 days to hatch and we are up to day four. By Troy and Leah.


  1. Wow - such interesting information! Can you post photos on your blog?
    Mrs Waite

    1. Yes we can Mrs Waite - we have just figured out how to do this so look out for some cool pics to come!
